Our Services


These 60-90 minute sessions utilize drama therapeutic interventions, along with more conventional talk therapy. Drama therapy is the embodied therapeutic method which focuses on the client’s goals and allows them to be a more integrated part of the therapeutic process. Through metaphor, movement, storytelling, and writing, this method allows the client to engage with their current and past stressors through dramatic exploration. Drama therapy is appropriate for all ages.


Developmental transformations (DvT) is an embodied and improvisational encounter which challenges both the client and clinician to enter together into a therapeutic play space. Utilizing the concept that simply being a human will always be destabilizing, DvT invites its clients to take on roles, situations, and identities that are present in their current every day lives, as well as their history, and challenge the ways that we want to show up in the world. DvT invites us to be brave enough to practice being ourselves in relationship with another person.

Drama Therapy Supervision

For those students and graduates working toward their RDT (Registered Drama Therapist) credentials, supervision is an important part of the process. Offering space to explore how drama therapy can become an integral part of your therapeutic practice, allowing you to show up as a drama therapist first, and encouraging ways to introduce drama therapy into the variety of workplaces where drama therapists can be found!

Walk & Talk Therapy

Walk & Talk therapy provides more traditional talk therapy, with the benefits of walking with another person. A walk&talk session can be provided for 60-90 minutes, depending on the client. Walk & talk therapy is a mindfulness based, embodied practice, which helps clients feel more at ease than meeting in a traditional office setting. Our bodies hold a lot of information, sometimes taking them for a walk allows us to unlock parts of ourselves that may have been hiding. Typically, the client and therapist choose a place that is most suitable for both parties to walk. If inclement weather, a telehealth session can be provided.

Addiction Counseling

Addiction counseling takes a specific look at behaviors and patterns which have led down the paths to addictions and substance use disorder. Utilizing harm reduction and acknowledging the many pathways toward recovery, addiction counseling can provide a space to speak openly about these difficulties. These sessions can help develop tools to manage urges and reduce the rate of relapse.

Grief Counseling

Navigating through grief can feel like an overwhelming and complicated journey. Setting aside time for yourself while you grieve can be an instrumental part of the process. Knowing that grief morphs and changes over time, and allowing yourself permission to spend as long as you need grieving is a true gift that grief focused therapy can provide.